Monday 24 June 2013

Introductions, introductions.

Greetings time wasters. I'm Mary, another English Literature and French student with yet another new blog.You may have read about my time in France or you may...well, not have (no room for excessive wit on a Monday evening) This blog is less 'Chocolatines Consist of 56% of My Diet' and more 'Hi, I'm so articulate now' and 'I read books and watch films/tv series and tell online communities if I thought they were good or not.'

I mean I am lying about the first point. I never have been articulate, quite the contrary actually. I blog exactly how I talk - and you can blame my intense and unsatisfying addiction to social media and cat memes for that one. What I am good at, however, is being an honest critic. Usually I critique strangers/friends/family on their lifestyle choices so reviewing books and films should be a doddle, right?

Before university I had rinsed the film shelves my Sixth Form had to offer, spent a bit too much pocket money on Latin American films from HMV (RIP) and enjoyed many an afternoon watching 'classics' from a bygone era. I worked my way through the local Oxfam bookstore until I had to become stingey to the poor and never even gave the finished books back.That was a great time.

Then University happened errrrrrgo extreme laziness happened. Before I knew it, I was reading hardly anything like I used to and it was a miracle if I read more than 50% of a weekly set text. It truly was The Great Culture Depression. This was not how it was supposed to be. I didn't watch Gilmore Girls thrice over the summers to have peaked too early (side note: Rory Gilmore is my idol). Suddenly I was swapping Dead Souls for Soul&FunkyFresh nights out (that was desperate). Look I even review my own writing. LIVE.

Perhaps zero of this makes sense but alas, that is what happened. Sheer laziness and lack of drive took me away from my two loves *glancing at the dusty books and metaphorically dusty hardrive with a sunken melancholia* Ha, that sentence was ridiculous. Well people, I'm bringing the Rory back. Thanks to my year out, I have had more than enough time to indulge in books and MOVIE FILLUMS, so let's talk about it.

Why themonkeypuzzletree? Find out next time

( ^ that's like my re-invention of 'xoxo'. What do you think? No? BOBO)

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